Archive by Category "Plastic"



Oli Frost wrote this song for the Barbie movie but never heard back from Greta Gerwig or Warner Bros.

Presenting the brand new collaboration between Ocean Legacy Foundation's company Legacy Plastic™ and the Alberta company Full Circle Plastics Ltd.
woman walking in the rice plant field during daytime

Buy quality pieces that last for frequently worn garments, and only rent clothes worn for special occasions.  Repairing itself has...

For anyone who is beginning their plastic-free journey or who needs some encouragement, these are some takeaways:
girl in white t shirt standing beside tree

With the help of trees, soils polluted with microplastics could be cleaned up. For the first time, researchers led by...

The Aspen Skiing Company has partnered with Protect Our Winters (POW) to mobilize the outdoor industry as a political force...

Die Idee hinter Tree Gum. Leif & Dave erklären was Tree Gum ist und warum Tree Gum Bäume pflanzt.
engineer holding clean energy battery

Finding landmarks in the history of science is not difficult. What is really challenging is identifying the discoveries that will...

Es wird erklärt was "geplante Obsoleszenz" ist und wie dadurch unser enormes (Wirtschafts-)Wachstum erst möglich wurde. Doch unbegrenztes Wachstum ist...

Hallo Felix! Wer bist Du und wieso hast Du Dich für ein Design-Studium am Royal College of Art in London...

Everything That Will Kill You... From A to Z In life you have choices they help here not and sometimes...

Inmitten von einer Insel aus PET-Flaschen, Waschmittelpackungen und anderem Plastikmüll schwamm heute Wasserbotschafter und Expeditionsschwimmer Ernst Bromeis in den Fluten...

Es ist überall. Wir brauchen und wollen es. Wir finden es an Orten, wo wir es niemals vermuten würden. Eine...

"Energie sparen und die Umwelt schonen – das sind zentrale Anliegen der Migros." Wie ist aber #SuisseMania mit diesem Statement...

At TEDxGreatPacificGarbagePatch David deRotschild gives a passionate address about the need to tackle our collective Nature Deficiency Disorder.
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