Food Waste Explained by Ed Sheeran’s “Shape of You”

Food Waste Explained by Ed Sheeran’s “Shape of You”

When we scrape off our dishes after a large meal, too full to finish the remaining scraps on our plate, we rarely pause and think about the significance of our action. It seems routine to us: if we have leftover food scraps that are unfit for eating, shouldn’t they be thrown in the garbage? Our routine practices, unfortunately, make it difficult for us to conceptualize the magnitude of global food waste.  The problem is bigger than we think. ()

The following song is #treetastic! Watch it and listen to the lyrics carefully …


The club isn’t the best place to save the planet,
so the restaurant’s where I go
Me and my friends at the table talking stats
about bout food waste in the world

I saw my dream woman at the bar
throw half of her meal out,
and my jaw hit the floor
She’s perfect in every way,
but if she wastes,
it’s a dealbreaker for sure

Now I’m singing like
Girl, did you know how much
food in the world gets wasted? 1 point 3
Billion tons of food from stores restaurants,
homes, and companies?
boy, boy, you talk too much
1 in 9 people on on earth go hungry
You should take a doggy bag please
You should take a doggy bag please
Mm mm mm!

I don’t love when you waste your food
We make way more than we consume
Starving kids don’t get to choose
When they go to bed hungry

At the grocery in aisle two
I always buy all the ugly fruit
Cuz you know that it still tastes like it’s brand new
And it’s good for your country

Oh I oh I oh I oh I
I don’t love when you waste your food
Oh I oh I oh I oh I
I don’t love when you waste your food

One week in, we let the story begin,
follow you home for our first date
I’ve made you a flow chart
about how you can get smart
about your personal food waste

I talk for hours and hours
about how you have the power
to ignore some expiration dates
And if your fridge is too cold,
then food can grow old
a little faster than you’d like

And i’m singing like
Girl, did you know how much
Food thrown away by restaurants is landfill bound?

Why’d you throw half of your burger out?

boy, boy, you talk too much
1 in 9 people on on earth go hungry
I think you gotta leave
I think you gotta leave

Mm mm mm!
I don’t love when you waste your food
We make way more than we consume
Starving kids don’t get to choose
When they go to bed hungry

Why don’t we call up the EU
Petition them for new policies too
One in four calories don’t get consumed
And no one should go hungry

Global Citizen

Global Citizen is a social action platform for a global generation that aims to solve the world’s biggest challenges. On our platform you can learn about issues, take action on what matters most, and join a community committed to social change. We believe we can end extreme poverty because of the collective actions of Global Citizens across the world.


Food Waste in der Schweiz

Rund ein Drittel aller in der Schweiz produzierten Lebensmittel geht zwischen Feld und Teller verloren oder wird verschwendet. Das entspricht pro Jahr rund 2 Millionen Tonnen Nahrungsmittel oder der Ladung von rund 140‘000 Lastwagen, die aneinandergereiht eine Kolonne von Zürich bis Madrid ergeben würden. Fast die Hälfte der Abfälle werden in Haushalten und der Gastronomie verursacht: Pro Person landen hier täglich 320 Gramm einwandfreie Lebensmittel im Abfall. Dies entspricht fast einer ganzen Mahlzeit.

Diese Zahlen stammen aus wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen, die nun laufend präzisiert und verdeutlicht werden. Fest steht: die Verluste müssen verringert und die Verschwendung gestoppt werden – für die Menschen und ihre natürliche Umwelt.

Michael Bublé – Feeling Good – Blossom on a tree – You know how I feel

Forest bathing – shinrin-yoku (森林浴)