2023 (Page 4)

Year: 2023


Wenn die Klimakrise weiter voranschreitet, dürften Extremwetterlagen wie diese sich zunehmend häufen. Forschende warnen eindringlich, die Menschheit stehe kurz davor,...

A 14-year-old student activist and co-founder of the organization "We Rise Together." He started the organization when he was eight...

Like stars on MyTree.TV, they shine bright and clear, Innovation and interdisciplinarity, oh so dear. So let's embrace these forces,...

In this We Don’t Have Time Climate Week NYC broadcast, we will explore the hottest topics leading up to COP28....
happy multiethnic couple with book and hammock

Thousands of free and open audiobooks powered by Project Gutenberg, Microsoft, and MIT Project Gutenberg, Microsoft, and MIT have worked...
a girl in pink sweater taking selfie

The increasing number of ads on social media channels can have a significant impact on Gen Z’s consumption behavior.

Harry Mack, the versatile artist and improvisational rapper, is known far beyond the borders of the hip-hop world for his... Prompt: Growing Brains- Like a tree

Warum ist es wichtig für die Öffentlichkeit, mehr über die Entwicklung des menschlichen Gehirns zu erfahren? Hier sind 7 Fragen...

Manuel Weingartner ist einer der vielen Menschen, die wegen LongCovid leiden. Seine Frau erkrankte im Januar 2022 an COVID-19 und...

Do/Je 14.09.2023 - 20:30 - CHF 15.- Soli CHF 25.- Nativ Soukey Cinnay Mundart-Moshpits & rising Hip-Hop Einmal Mundart-Rap mit...

Oli frost tried nudism. It didn't work out.

From September 6th to 10th, 2023, Ars Electronica invites artists, scientists, developers, designers, entrepreneurs and activists from all over the...

Wu Wei, an ancient Chinese concept that can help you live more harmoniously and peacefully.
Ambient noise does not trigger insulin secretion (left). Direct exposure of the cells to certain rock songs, on the other hand, triggers insulin release within minutes (right). (Visualisations: ETH Zurich)

"We will rock you": ETH Zurich researchers are developing a gene switch that triggers insulin release in designer cells by...

An apple a day keeps the doctor away”: Was ist dran? Dass ein Apfel am Tag ausreicht, um dir Mediziner*innen...
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