categoryLachen und lernen im Innovationszirkus
Innovation ist kein Zirkus, oder doch? Das fragen sich die Autoren von “Innovationszirkus”, einem Buch mit 30 humorvollen Kurzgeschichten aus...
Why NGO’s should collaborate to enhance their impact
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a vital role in addressing various social, environmental and humanitarian issues around the world. However, they...
Flying up to 35% less harmful to the climate – thanks to Google’s new AI
In the current turbulent world situation, it is always refreshing to read positive news, especially when it links the areas...
Interview with “Assistant” an AI chat
This is a short Interview with "Assistant" a large language model trained by OpenAI. #ChatGPT
Autonomous Tree
Autonomous Tree is an art installation in which a tree is transformed to hypothetically represent and act on the behalf...
AutoDraw: Fast Drawing for Everyone
BY GOOGLE CREATIVE LAB Draw faster with a little help from artists and machine learning in this new drawing tool....
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