categoryClean Up the World!
Seit 2004 bieten die X.DAYS Entscheidungsträgern aus der ICT-Branche eine hochkarätige Plattform für den Informations- und Meinungsaustausch und das Networking....
Ozzy Ozone & the Green Spirit!
During years ELEXTROLUX and other Fridge-Companies have been destroying the ozone layer with CFC and now they are green all...
An Elephant for YOU!
Elephant- Stories and more... in ENGLISH AND GERMAN! Baby Elefant Ein Elefantenmärchen sehr gutes doku film Abseits allen Trubels bringt...
Our Labor of Love in Guantánamo-Bay!
This is a volunteer, not-for-profit project created by Emmy award winning filmmakers Kim and Doug Bocaz-Larson of Poco Loco Productions...