categoryThe Illusion of Democracy | Who Really Controls our Lives
Democracy is a precious thing, A right that makes our hearts sing. It's the power of the people, A force...
59. Solothurner Filmtage
The Solothurner Filmtage showcased three films that explore identity, origins, and the future, highlighting the importance of trees and natural...
#SupportingCreativeKids – Was sind #FutureSkills?
Kinder sind von Natur aus kreativ und haben eine erstaunliche Fähigkeit, ihre Vorstellungskraft und Ideen in die Realität umzusetzen. Um...
Rap-Battles und toxische Männlichkeit: Ein neuer Weg
A Message to all toxic Rappers out there: #UnFuckYou!
Leila Šurković – The deepest lyrics out there!
The following article is AI-generated by BingChat which is based on ChatGPT4. Prompt-Engineering by @MyTreeTV Leila Šurković is a 22-year-old...
Der GreenFriday: Eine nachhaltige Alternative zum BlackFriday
Der Black Friday, der alljährlich stattfindende Einkaufswahnsinn, hat verheerende Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt. Durch das exzessive Konsumverhalten während dieses Events...
#ikw27 #kurzfilmtageWIN
If you are a fan of short films, you should not miss the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, the most important short...
Conquering Diabetes: The Glucose Goddess Way
The DCB Innovation Challenge aims to find and foster innovative solutions in diabetes technology. It is organized by the Diabetes...
Lachen und lernen im Innovationszirkus
Innovation ist kein Zirkus, oder doch? Das fragen sich die Autoren von “Innovationszirkus”, einem Buch mit 30 humorvollen Kurzgeschichten aus...
Why NGO’s should collaborate to enhance their impact
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a vital role in addressing various social, environmental and humanitarian issues around the world. However, they...
Mastering the Instagram Algorithm: A Guide to Digital Detox
A digital detox is a period of time when a person voluntarily refrains from using digital devices such as smartphones,...
Modern Masculinity? DOAC – Professor Scott Galloway
Relationships are hard to form And close friendships are not the norm But don't despair, there's hope in sight A...
Innovation and Interdisciplinarity
Like stars on MyTree.TV, they shine bright and clear, Innovation and interdisciplinarity, oh so dear. So let's embrace these forces,...
Die Jugend von heute – Millennials & Gen Z
The increasing number of ads on social media channels can have a significant impact on Gen Z’s consumption behavior.
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