categoryBesame Mucho!
Die Berner Chansonnière Sara Rutz liefert mit ihrem Alter Ego Emma Variétépop vom Feinsten ab. Ihre erste Platte wird am...
Musicians@Google: Andy Ross
Andy Ross is a Grammy winning musician and guitarist for OK GO who has performed on the MTV Music Awards,...
The Beautiful Truth!
Raised on a wildlife reserve in Alaska, 15-year-old Garrett was interested in the dietary habits of the farm animals. After...
The End of Poverty?
Global poverty did not just happen. It began with military conquest, slavery and colonization that resulted in the seizure of...
Reggie Watts
If you don't already know who Reggie Watts is, he won't take offense, but after seeing him once, you'll never...
Dance for Tibet!
Seit über 50 Jahren wird das tibetische Volk von der Volksrepublik China unterdrückt und die reichhaltige tibetische Kultur ausgelöscht. Über...
Joy Valencia!
It's quite easy to produce a fantastic video-clip if you have a great voice, a good song, an experienced film-crew...
Vegetarian Shoes!
JETZ AUCH IN DER SCHWEIZ! VegiSHOES! A short extract of a documentary exercise produced for my first-year documentary module at...
The hidden power of smiling
Ron Gutman reviews a raft of studies about smiling, and reveals some surprising results. Did you know your smile can...
Greis “Teil vo dr Loesig”
Greis (* 3. April 1978 in Lausanne, bürgerlicher Name Grégoire Vuilleumier) ist ein Schweizer Rapper.
In love for a while…
Eurovision Song Contest - Halbfinale Daumen Drücken für Anna Rossinelli und Band Anna Rossinelli will represent Switzerland with the song...