categoryResilience – What makes us stong?
One billion people worldwide suffer from stress-related illnesses, making mental health resilience a crucial topic.
Menopause Madness!
In this thought-provoking AI-generated video, we dive into the roller-coaster journey of menopause, with a specific focus on the dreaded...
3rd of November in Bern – Triple Treat: A Day of Science, Sustainability, and Design
3 interesting events taking place in the same town on the same day...
“Queen” triggers insulin release!
"We will rock you": ETH Zurich researchers are developing a gene switch that triggers insulin release in designer cells by...
ScienceComm23 in Bern
Die Schwerpunkte der #ScienceComm23 sind “from knowledge to dialogue to action” und “science communications’ accesability and fun factor”.
ClimateAdam Combatting Climate Change
ClimateAdam is an award-winning YouTube channel dedicated to explaining complex ideas around climate change in playful and engaging ways.
#120years of #LONZA – The poison might be #closerthanyouthink!
Did you know that #Lonza works with highly #toxic chemicals? Mercury (Hg) among many others! Lonza Group does not mention...
Die Brennessel – Geheimnisvolle Pflanzen – Doku
Die Brennnessel ist eine Heilpflanze, für die mindestens ebenso viele Einsatzgebiete bekannt sind wie etwa für die berühmte Kamille, die hübsche...
The Best Tactic for Science Education?
Neil deGrasse Tyson (born October 5, 1958) is an American astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, and science communicator. Since 1996, he has...
A Life Connected
A 12-minute uplifting, positive video about the power of making Vegan choices. People everywhere are making choices more connected with...
Consciousness Is a Narrative Created by Your Unconscious Mind
American neuroscientist Dean Buonomano believes that your brain might be processing the world around you in a totally different manner...
Umweltfreundliche Wasserfilter aus Cellulose
In vielen Teilen der Welt ist Wasser rar oder verunreinigt. Industrieabfälle und Schwermetalle, aber auch Pestizide, verschmutzen den lebensnotwendigen Stoff....
How #sugar affects the brain
When you eat something loaded with sugar, your taste buds, your gut and your brain all take notice. This activation...
Für den geordneten Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie
Die Initiative will die Laufzeit der fünf Schweizer Atomkraftwerke auf 45 Jahre beschränken und den Bau neuer AKW verbieten. Bis...
Das Venus Projekt
Hirngespinst oder mehr als eine Illusion? Das Lebenswerk des amerikanischen Designers und Erfinders Jacque Fresco ist einen genaueren Blick wert....