categoryThe World Peace Game
John Hunter puts all the problems of the world on a 4'x5' plywood board -- and lets his 4th-graders solve...
Green Building
The film is titled "Green Building in Indianapolis: Creating a Sustainable Future" and is hosted by green living expert Sara...
The Greenbelt Reports: Armed by Nature
This film looks at the many conservation challenges involving mangroves, coral reefs and sand reefs - all under immense pressure...
The Slow Poisoning of India
The Slow Poisoning of India is a 26-minute documentary film directed by Ramesh Menon and produced by the New Delhi-based...
The Edge of the Earth
A documentary about a journey to "The Edge of the Earth". The Gates of the Arctic National Park is the...
Monsanto – Mit Gift und Genen
Sehr interessante Dokumentation von arte über einen Multinationalen Biotechnologiekonzern! Monsanto erwirtschaftet viel Geld. Viel Geld aus Geschäften mit Agent Orange,...
EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research)...
Apfelschalen stärken Muskelaufbau
Apfelschalen stärken den Muskelaufbau, wie amerikanische Forscher jetzt bei Experimenten mit Mäusen herausfanden. Sie enthalten eine Substanz, die das Muskelwachstum...
22. Afro-Pfingsten Festival 8.-13. Juni 2011 – Winterthur – Switzerland
Das vielseitige Afro-Pfingsten Festival bietet für jeden etwas. Neben den mitreissenden Konzerten, spannenden Workshops und kunterbunten Märkten bietet das Rahmenprogramm...
my room in the trees
Would you like to see my room in the trees? Please come and have a look...