Archive by Category "sustainability" (Page 6)



Since the 1970's Majuli islander Jadav Payeng has been planting trees in order to save his island. To date he...

Because of ineffective politicians, young activists are forced fight for their future in any way they can, even if it...

The documentary directors of "ECOVILLAGE BRAZIL - ON THE PATH TO THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE BEING" visited 10 places to...

Seit Jahren engagiert sich Leonardo DiCaprio öffentlich im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Für den Dokumentarfilm „Before the Flood“ reiste er...

A boy and a tree bond and grow apart throughout the ages. Based on the book by Shel Silverstein. Directed...

Everything That Will Kill You... From A to Z In life you have choices they help here not and sometimes...

Du legst Wert auf nachhaltigen Konsum, weisst aber nicht, wo du entsprechende Angebote und Produkte in Bern finden kannst? Mit...

YEAR OF THE X We are a community of innovators and diverse thinkers who are willing to take risks in order...

Es ist überall. Wir brauchen und wollen es. Wir finden es an Orten, wo wir es niemals vermuten würden. Eine...

Businesses around the globe produce nearly as much waste as they do product -- almost 110 million tons annually in...

A new startup company is turning old banana trees into banana 'leather' wallets. The sustainable company, called Green Banana Paper,...

Crisis as Opportunity (2016) - Free Full Documentary A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity is a free feature-length documentary that...

This is a short film of voices from India, South Africa, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia, giving their answers to the question...

Western Australia’s Formidable Vegetable Sound System are the world’s most triumphant experiment in ‘ecological electroswing’ busting out energetic, quirky mashups of speakeasy-style antique-beats with live...

Zwei junge Familien, die auf Besitz verzichten, um Zeit und Freiheit zu gewinnen. Sie wollen herausfinden, was sie wirklich zum...
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