categoryFeelings – Filmed with a Canon 5D!
It's quite impressive what can be done with a CANON 5D! Enjoy the following clips:
Tree Helicopter!
A natural samara is positioned next to the smallest and lightest robotic samara constructed to date. The wing of the...
Solar Wind bridge concept
Why just use solar power or wind power when you can use both? Designed by Francesco Colarossi, Giovanna Saracino and...
Winziger magnetischer Schalter entdeckt!
Einer Kieler Forschergruppe um den Chemiker Professor Rainer Herges ist es erstmals gelungen, den magnetischen Zustand eines einzelnen Moleküls bei...
Wolf-Dieter Storl: Ich bin ein Teil des Waldes!
Deutschlands bekanntester Ethnobotaniker und Kulturanthropologe Wolf-Dieter Storl erzählt
Why should your plants stay at home?
Why should your plants stay at home? They help clean the air you breathe, are beautiful, and create a wonderful...
Der oder das Blog?
Ein Film im Rahmen der Maturaarbeit «bloggerfilm» von Michael Eugster. Er erklärt, was ein Blog(ger) ist und präsentiert interessante Stimmen...
Green Tech Today 3: Google Goes Green
Google PowerMeter project and their in-house conservation efforts. Guest: Parag Chokshi, manager of Clean Energy Public Affairs for Google
Music From A Bonsai!
Diego Stucco always liked bonsai trees, and was curious to try the approach he used for "Music from a Tree"...