Hello @Google – Here is a poem for you – MyTree.TV
Hello @Google – Here is a poem for you

Hello @Google – Here is a poem for you

There are more and more ads all of a sudden
It's now the time to press the reset-button!
Because over-consumption leads to mass extinction
It's now the time to stop acting like Homer Simpson

Unstoppable growth is called cancer- 
Of course you want to grow!
The surviving shareholders want an answer
Please change the whole advertisement show:

Prioritise ads from companies with real CO2-net-Zero!
And reduce their number to let our children grow!
Companies need to ensure that emissions across its value chain 
are consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement again

In other words
I know it hurts
Just stop to be evil
Your ads a lethal

@Climate Ben

Don’t Be Evil. Rana Foroohar on Big Tech.

INET President Rob Johnson talks with the Financial Times’ Rana Foroohar about her new book, Don’t Be Evil: How Big Tech Betrayed It’s Founding Principles—And All Of Us (Currency, 2019).

What is the Greatest Evil on this Planet?

Sadhguru reminds us that time is running out for all of us, and that what really matters at the end of our life is whether we lived an enhanced life. This is why it is important that we invest the time to know and live a life beyond thought and emotion.

The greatest evil on this planet is not evil, it’s ignorance!


Of course it’s not only Google it’s “The Four”

Worth more than $2.3 trillion combined, the Big Four (Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google) continue to grab share from media companies, brands, and retailers. Scott Galloway, Professor of Marketing at the NYU Stern School of Business and Founder of L2, will showcase how the traditional rules of business don’t apply to the Big Four and identify ways that brands and companies can fight back.

Ecosia – Trees not profits!

<)(< Augenhöhe


Music + Sustainability = Coldplay