Thank you #MOBY for the new free album, More Fast Songs About The Apocalypse

Thank you #MOBY for the new free album, More Fast Songs About The Apocalypse

In 2016, moby & the void pacific choir released these systems are failing, an indictment of our current political and cultural climate. this gleeful look at our dystopian culture continues this summer with more fast songs about the apocalypse, which includes in this cold place, accompanied by moby’s second collaboration with animator steve cutts! Watch the video and share the gifs!

the music is free here, but if you want to pay for it just give money to your favorite charity. the issues that i’m personally most concerned about are: animal rights, factory farming, climate change, and women’s rights. oh, and electoral reform here in the usa. but it’s up to you!


Moby & The Void Pacific Choir – Playlist




Tu ne sais rien Jean Neige – Game of Rhône!

Mirjam Wanner goes into the deep forest… (Repost from 2012)