Why should your plants stay at home?

Why should your plants stay at home?

A Wearable Planter, No. 2

Why should your plants stay at home? They help clean the air you breathe, are beautiful, and create a wonderful conversation starter. Carry a sprout, a succulent, or a flower you found on your morning walk.

The design for this was created using modeling software. It is then 3D printed, and painted and finished by hand. Each one of these is individually made upon order, and may take up to 3 weeks to ship.

Comes with directions on how to add plants and recommendations on which work best. There are no plants are included with this item. And it’s a bit expensive (50$!) but actually you could make it yourself!

Moving Forest

Short Film by Niccolò Castelli

October 2010

Moving ForestIm Zeitalter der Videospiele fragt sich der elfjährige Martino, ob sich der Baum im Innenhof auch danach sehnt, die vier Betonmauern zu verlassen. Mit einem Einkaufswagen aus dem Supermarkt, Symbol des Konsumrausches, zeigt Martino seinem neuen grünen Freund die Stadt. Ein Abenteuer voller Unschuld und Ironie, das Kinder und Erwachsene in einer vergessenen Welt der Natur und Fantasie zusammenführt.


I am wondering where Niccolò Castelli found “his” idea… Maybe here:

Moving Forest


newTree homepage

Zermatt Unplugged!

Nature by Numbers!