
Businesses around the globe produce nearly as much waste as they do product -- almost 110 million tons annually in the US alone. Washington State spent more than 500 million dollars on...

A new startup company is turning old banana trees into banana 'leather' wallets. The sustainable company, called Green Banana Paper, is creating jobs and added income for farmers on one of the...

Crisis as Opportunity (2016) - Free Full Documentary A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity is a free feature-length documentary that follows a community in Australia who came together to explore and demonstrate...

This is a short film of voices from India, South Africa, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia, giving their answers to the question 'What is your vision of a sustainable world?' Now watch the...

Greasy Palms: The Impacts of Indonesia’s Palm Oil Plantations This documentary concerns the social, environmental, and economic impacts of palm oil production in Indonesia, including the loss of over 2.8 million...

Western Australia’s Formidable Vegetable Sound System are the world’s most triumphant experiment in ‘ecological electroswing’ busting out energetic, quirky mashups of speakeasy-style antique-beats with live ukulele wonk, hyperactive horns and the principles of permaculture. WAM Song of...

Zwei junge Familien, die auf Besitz verzichten, um Zeit und Freiheit zu gewinnen. Sie wollen herausfinden, was sie wirklich zum Leben brauchen - und was ihnen wichtig ist. Die Reportage begleitet ihr...

Karin Holenstein, als Geschäftsführerin und Inhaberin von befasst Du Dich oft mit neurodidaktischen und neurolinguistischen Methoden. Wie bist Du dazu gekommen? Im Jahr 2001 haben mein Mann und ich die Autorin und...

"Tending the Wild" shines light on the environmental knowledge of indigenous peoples across California by exploring how they have actively shaped and tended the land for millennia, in the process developing a...

Sometimes you are lucky and you can find very interesting people on Twitter. Rena Silverman gives us some news directly from NewYork. Rena Silverman, who are you and how comes that you...
by:   The poor soul sat sighing By a sycamore tree, Sing willow, willow, willow, Wth his hand in his bosom And his head upon his knee, Oh, willow, willow, willow, Shall...

Wir entfremden uns zunehmend von unserer natürlichen Umwelt. Ein Symptom dieses Prozesses ist unsere Nahrung. Eine Phoenix-Reportage zeigt, welche Gefahren in unserem „modernen Essen“ lauern und wie industriell gefertigte Nahrung krank macht....

Oder vielleicht doch Aldi? Supersiech hat einen neuen Song namens "COOPoderMigros". Via Twitter haben sich die beiden Unternehmen zu dieser Frage geäussert... Eine Entscheidung nehmen wir #Supersiech ab: Migros dänk :)...

Real Value is a documentary that follows a growing sentiment among many Americans that the corporate focus on the bottom line has been to the detriment of society. The film serves as...

Herman Hesse on Trees: For me, trees have always been the most penetrating preachers. I revere them when they live in tribes and families, in forests and groves. And even more...
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