Return Of The Black Pearl – Tonight in Bern!
Am 28.Januar erschien das erste Solo Album „Return Of The Black Pearl“ von Freda Goodlett. Wo sie auch hinkommt, Freda Goodlett fällt mit ihrer Stimmgewaltigkeit auf. Obschon sie erst jetzt ihr erstes...
Der oder das Blog?
Ein Film im Rahmen der Maturaarbeit «bloggerfilm» von Michael Eugster. Er erklärt, was ein Blog(ger) ist und präsentiert interessante Stimmen und Meinungen von interviewten Bloggern.
Green Tech Today 3: Google Goes Green
Google PowerMeter project and their in-house conservation efforts. Guest: Parag Chokshi, manager of Clean Energy Public Affairs for Google
Some people play tennis & some people sing…
Yannik Noah! Some nice music clips with animations...
HOW! HOW! HOW! Where is the snow?
Snow... and it's even cooler! "Enough Said" Swedish Nitro SnowBoard Teamfilm
Music From A Bonsai!
Diego Stucco always liked bonsai trees, and was curious to try the approach he used for "Music from a Tree" on a smaller scale, so he bought a bonsai and recorded this...
Ryuichi Sakamoto-Energy Flow!
Ryūichi Sakamoto (jap. 坂本 龍一, Sakamoto Ryūichi; * 17. Januar 1952 in Nakano, Tokio) ist ein japanischer Komponist, Pianist, Produzent und Schauspieler. Er bewegt sich in verschiedensten musikalischen Genres wie Jazz, (Neo-)Klassik...
Change your Mind – Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions…
If happiness is an inner state, influenced by external conditions but not dependent on them, how can we achieve it? Ricard will examine the inner and outer factors that increase or diminish...
PixMix:Die Kristallkugel
PIXMIX bietet Inspiration und jede Menge Spass in kurzer Zeit! PIXMIX ist eine offene Plattform für alle, die ihre eigenen Erfahrungen, Gedanken, Ideen und Projekte öffentlich vorstellen möchten. PIXMIX bringt eine kunterbunte...
The world turns on symmetry -- from the spin of subatomic particles to the dizzying beauty of an arabesque. But there's more to it than meets the eye. Here, Oxford mathematician Marcus...
The most t-shirts worn at once!
Matt McAllister of KNIX in Phoenix, AZ setting the guiness world record for the most t-shirts worn at once.
Super Rich!
Super Rich: The Greed Game (58min) As the credit crunch bites and a global economic crisis threatens, Robert Peston reveals how the super-rich have made their fortunes, and the rest of us...
Joelle’s Indie Top 6!
Joelle was asked by the TREEmagazine to make an indie Top 5-List! This was not an easy task! She had to choose the very best Indie-Songs ever. Independent music, is according to...