
Here we go again! After her successful music-collections (Indie, 80’s, Tarantiono) Joelle B. comes up with her Spring-Top-List! Please enjoy her selection and let her know what you think about this music! In spite of the troubles in Japan we must think positive and we’ll see how everything is getting green again. After the rain there comes the sun. After the winter comes Spring and what’s the song that you are going to sing? Keep it green – or at least try to do so!
Spring? by Victoria Harding
Everything`s gone green
SPRINGFEELINGS? WHATS LOVE ? a little animated short clip
“my spring-songs” by Joelle B.
Florence and the machine / Dog days are over
People press play/These days
Efterklang/ Modern drift
Jamiroquai/ feels so good
And here are our Fantastic 4 from Bern; CHOO CHOO :-9
CHOO CHOO hat wie ich nach guten Tönen gesucht, und sie haben sie auch gefunden! Mitten in bern, und passend zum frühling…. überzeugt euch selbst. By the way, CHOO CHOO`s neues Musikvideo erscheint voraussichtlich ende März. Here “we go” ;
CHOO CHOO / in or out
Oder vielleich Lust auf Veränderung im Wohnbereich? Frühling im wohnzimmer…
LULL – A lamp that open and closes like a flower
” spring spring dance
away from lonelyness
come here in your trance
and give of its caress
sweet light of grace
that comes with daybreak
in shadowed tint plays
when the air is awake “
Peter S. Quinn
The New Spring – The Glow
Vivaldi 4 Saisons – Spring
[dailymotion id=xwptr]