It is well known that land plants evolved from algae. A key to their successful adaptation was roots that spread underground to absorb essential nutrients and water. Billions of years later, the fibrous networks are essential to life across the planet, ensuring the growth and health of individual specimens, preventing erosion, and sequestering carbon from the air. Wurzelatlas mitteleuropaeischer Gruenlandpflanzen, Band 2/1: Pteridophyta und Dicotyledoneae
Annemarie Botzki sums it up. We should not cut down the trees to burn them.
How Trees Secretly Talk to Each Other in the Forest | Decoder
Worüber sprechen Bäume? In den Douglasienwäldern Kanadas können Sie sehen, wie Bäume miteinander “reden”, indem sie unterirdische symbiotische Beziehungen – sogenannte Mykorrhiza – mit Pilzen eingehen, um Stresssignale weiterzuleiten und Ressourcen miteinander zu teilen.