Elora Hardy: Magical houses, made of #bamboo

Elora Hardy: Magical houses, made of #bamboo

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You’ve never seen buildings like this. The stunning bamboo homes built by Elora Hardy and her team in Bali twist, curve and surprise at every turn. They defy convention because the bamboo itself is so enigmatic. No two poles of bamboo are alike, so every home, bridge and bathroom is exquisitely unique. In this beautiful, immersive talk, she shares the potential of bamboo, as both a sustainable resource and a spark for the imagination. “We have had to invent our own rules,” she says.

Bamboo: The Miracle Plant

In this brief documentary we take a look at some of the incredible properties of bamboo. Bamboo is a miracle plant that can be made into a limitless amount of useful products. Our favorite product of course is ultra soft fabric we use to make our Cariloha apparel and accessories.

The Many Uses Of Bamboo Japanology Plus ( 竹 )

Through the ages, bamboo has been profoundly important to Japan’s industry, culture and everyday life.

Die weltweit ersten Fotos von Elektronenwolken