Posts Tagged "innovation"

Tag: innovation

person showing white mug in focus photography

Synhelion uses solar energy to convert CO2 into carbon-neutral solar fuels. And how does it work?

Innovation ist kein Zirkus, oder doch? Das fragen sich die Autoren von “Innovationszirkus”, einem Buch mit 30 humorvollen Kurzgeschichten aus...

Like stars on MyTree.TV, they shine bright and clear, Innovation and interdisciplinarity, oh so dear. So let's embrace these forces,...
Green Asphalt?

We've asked Prof. Dr. Reto Knutti for his assessment on "Green Asphalt".

Can you make paper with the leafs of a tree? Yes you can!

Create furniture as a Lego with PlayWood connector, recycle materials, store it or transport. PlayWood is not only a product...

Yesterday the #CrowdContainer made it on WeMakeIt while we were recording the video above! But you can still order your #CrowdContainer-package from...

Georgia’s forests are being sustainably managed to meet the numerous needs of our state today. To ensure our forests will...

The sounds of the rainforest include: the chirps of birds, the buzz of cicadas, the banter of gibbons. But in...

Here you can have a look at the top tweets on #innovation: #innovation Tweets //

Leitfaden der Innovationen im Kampf gegen die Armut. Der informative und praktische Innovationskatalog wurde für alle Personen, NGOs, Vereine und...

Guy Kawasaki is a special advisor to the Motorola business unit of Google. He is also the author of APE,...

#SecretofTrees What do trees know that we don't? 13-year-old inventor Aidan realized that trees use a mathematical formula to gather...

The annual worldwebforum features international speakers discussing the newest trends in technological innovation and digital culture... Tue 10th Mar 2015...

"The Next Industrial Revolution" tells the story of architect William McDonough's and chemist Michael Braungart's work to resign the industrial...
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