MacGyver employs his resourcefulness and his knowledge of chemistry, physics,[2] technology, and outdoorsmanship to resolve what are often life-or-death crises. He creates inventions from simple items to solve these problems. These inventions became synonymous with the character and were called MacGyverisms by fans.[28] MacGyver was unlike secret agents in other television series and films because, instead of relying on high-tech weapons and tools, he carried only a Swiss Army knife and duct tape but never a gun.[2] One episode shows the reason being that a boyhood friend of his was accidentally killed by a revolver he was not supposed to have. One other episode shows him only using a captured gun by taking it apart to use as a kind of wrench, with the trigger guard doing the job of shutting down a valve tap. In the opening gambit of the pilot episode, MacGyver is briefly seen shooting an AK-47 at a group of enemy soldiers before passing the gun off to the man he was rescuing. This is the only time MacGyver fired a weapon during the series.