The most t-shirts worn at once!315sharesTwitter Facebook Google +americanenglishFunSwitcherteachingJanuary 19, 2011guinessmostrecordSwitcherT-shirtsWORLD3228Views19JanFind All Posts of This Month: 1 - 2011MyTreeTVmoreTwitter Facebook Google + Matt McAllister of KNIX in Phoenix, AZ setting the guiness world record for the most t-shirts worn at once. [youtube=] Do you need a TREE-Shirt? Related Tags:guinessmostrecordSwitcherT-shirtsWORLD Super Rich!SymmeTREE!you may also likeSeptember 24, 2017by: MyTreeTV#Didgeridoo spielen hilft gegen Schnarchen!June 21, 2017by: MyTreeTVMirjam Wanner goes into the deep forest… (Repost from 2012)December 11, 2012by: MyTreeTVCotton Tree – Pesticide-Free – Organic Cotton Education Video