Sepp Holzer ein Vorreiter der Permakultur zeigt seinen Permakulturhof den Krameterhof.
Billions in Change!
The world is facing some huge problems. There’s a lot of talk about how to solve them. But talk doesn’t...
Interview mit Remo Frei
Dieser Winter wird wohlig warm - dank der neuen ROTAUF Jacke und Weste mit Bündner Wolle: Warme Fütterung aus heimischer...
Killing ideas harms your future!
Sometimes the greatest problem interfering with innovation is the negative mindset of the individuals who are involved in the discussion....
Geteilt von WordPress
Who Will Innovate in the Education Sector? The 1%? The 2.5%? Everyone? -
Tomatensuppe für die Nanopartikel-Forschung
Sprouting Pencils!
What if instead of throwing your pencil stubs away you could plant them and have them grow into something delicious,...
#PushPull – Anbaumethode mit Zukunft
The ‘push-pull’ strategy, a novel tool for integrated pest management programs, uses a combination of behavior-modifying stimuli to manipulate the...
#MaKeyMaKey – An #Invention Kit for Everyone
This will change the world! Everybody can be an innovator! Thank you MIT-Media-Lab! Make a piano out of bananas, play...
PVC Instrument
Snubby J is a performer known for his YouTube #music videos featuring his home-crafted RimbaTubes, a #PVC pipe instrument inspired...
Heather Hansen // Emptied Gestures
Emptied Gestures is an experiment in kinetic drawing.
Eine Idee für die SRG – #Crossmedialer Service Public!
Das crossmediale Projekt "About:Kate" von ARTE Creative begleitet die Protagonistin Kate Harff auf ihrem Weg in die Nervenklinik - man...
The Lowline
We are inspired to use technology to improve the lives of city residents, by creating more of the green space...