categoryJosie Balka: “There is nothing wrong with you” ❤️
The grass is green the sky is blue and there is nothing wrong with you.
Wie Musik unser Gehirn beeinflusst
Macht Musik den Menschen besser? Tatsächlich ist Musik sehr viel mehr als Unterhaltung oder Kunst. Schau Dir diese ARTE-Doku an!
Online-Kino-Abend (Vorpremiere) des Films “Von Kindern und Bäumen”
Online-Kino-Abend (Vorpremiere) des Films "Von Kindern und Bäumen". Exklusiv für Personen aus dem Bildungsbereich.
PiXMix @BENELA’s in Muri-Gümligen 15.03.2024
The first registrations have already been received and, as always PixMix, will be very colourful and diverse.
Wanderlust? Macht Laufen glücklich? | ARTE
Können wir unserem Glück zu Fuß näherkommen? Ronja von Rönne trifft zwei Menschen, die in unterschiedlichem Tempo zu ihrem Laufglück...
Resilience – What makes us stong?
One billion people worldwide suffer from stress-related illnesses, making mental health resilience a crucial topic.
Celebritrees by Oli Frost
Sometime in the future we can talk to trees Turns out in their last life some were celebrities Now everyone...
Die Kraft eines fokussierten Lebens
In diesem Video betont Johannes Hartl, wie wichtig es ist, ein zielgerichtetes Leben zu führen, und verrät, wie man es...
This Food Keeps You Young
Bryan Johnson is an expert on anti-aging and nutrition, who shares his experiences and insights in a YouTube video titled...
Conquering Diabetes: The Glucose Goddess Way
The DCB Innovation Challenge aims to find and foster innovative solutions in diabetes technology. It is organized by the Diabetes...
Mastering the Instagram Algorithm: A Guide to Digital Detox
A digital detox is a period of time when a person voluntarily refrains from using digital devices such as smartphones,...
Modern Masculinity? DOAC – Professor Scott Galloway
Relationships are hard to form And close friendships are not the norm But don't despair, there's hope in sight A...
Content Addiction
The video "We All Got Tricked into Content Addiction" discusses the myth surrounding constant stimulation and dopamine. The YouTuber explains...
5 Best Lessons From Living Without Plastic
For anyone who is beginning their plastic-free journey or who needs some encouragement, these are some takeaways:
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