Felix Finkbeiner – Tree by Tree – Now We Children Save the World

Felix Finkbeiner – Tree by Tree – Now We Children Save the World

Because of ineffective politicians, young activists are forced fight for their future in any way they can, even if it means planting one sapling at a time. But hopefully Felix can motivate world leaders to “Stop Talking. Start Planting.” As for those young people who fall victim to hopelessness, thinking they are “just kids,” Felix has a message for them, too. He said, “One mosquito can’t do anything against a rhino, but a thousand mosquitoes together can make a rhino change its direction.” Whether talking about mosquitoes, trees, or activists, one million can make a big difference.


“One mosquito can’t do anything against a rhino, but a thousand mosquitoes together can make a rhino change its direction.” Carolina (14), Climate Justice Ambassador from Cancun, Mexico

Felix Finkbeiner, 1 Heart 1 Tree Ambassador

We can all have a huge impact and the Ambassador of 1 Heart 1 Tree I wish to introduce is Felix Finkbeiner, a truly inspirational character !
When he was 9 years orld, he started a reforestation action with his classroom, then with his school, his Country and today, his action spreads across the world involving hundreds of thousands of children who are inspired by his action and they planted millions of trees.
It shows that no matter how powerfull, how old or how wealthy you are, you can all have an amazing impact !!!


And this resonated with 1 Heart 1 Tree, a collaborative artwork taking place on the Eiffel Tower for the United Nations’ Conference on Climate Change COP21 in Paris inviting all participants to act together to have a huge impact. Each participant is invited to plant a tree in reforestation programs around the globe, and they’ll see the tree growing symbolically on the Eiffel Tower with their name on it.

To Watch Felix Speak at the UN, Check Out the Video Below:

Current Climate Crisis in a Nutshell: Felix Finkbeiner talks at Urban Future Conference 2016

Felix Finkbeiner talks at Urban Future Conference in Graz, 02.03.2016


Tree by Tree – Now We Children Save the World

Published on Feb 27, 2017

The children and young people of this world do not want to wait any longer for adults to finally begin to tackle the impending global challenges of our day. And they have much to do: They want to save their future – Tree by Tree. We have written this book primarily for people like us – kids and teenagers. Because we are the ones who will have to pay for it if adults cannot fully solve these global problems. With this book we want to show, how great it is to get involved. We will tell you our story: why we act and do what we can so that we can have a positive future. We want to show you how exciting it is to learn more about our world, the climate, and the relationship between them – and how much fun it is to work together with kids from all over the world. Of course we will also tell you, how you can join in with us and become active yourself. Because just talking does not stop the glaciers from melting:: Stop talking. Start planting. – Don’t talk, plant!”


Stück für Stück Gutes tun.

Deine gute Tat für heute: Schokolade essen! Denn im Kampf gegen die Klimakrise und für eine bessere Welt tut hier jedes Stück etwas Gutes. Beispiel gefällig? Bäume pflanzen! Händler und Hersteller verzichten auf ihren Gewinn, und davon pflanzen wir neue Bäume, die schädliches CO2 speichern und Sauerstoff abgeben. Was die Stücke der Guten Schokolade noch alles können, erfährst du hier.

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