Sustainable business, rethinking growth – Founders Valley – DW Documentary

Sustainable business, rethinking growth – Founders Valley – DW Documentary

An entire generation of young people is rejecting the idea of unlimited economic growth on a planet with finite resources. Among them are social entrepreneurs in Indonesia looking for ways to do business that don’t harm the environment. The poles are melting. Sea levels are rising. Dozens of species go extinct every day. Environmental migration is already happening on a vast scale. It’s long past time to admit that the biggest threat humanity faces is climate change. In this episode of ‘Founders Valley’, we talk with Indonesian entrepreneurs trying to alter the rules of the game. They’re determined to run profitable businesses that are part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. We desperately need new sustainable concepts in business – but can humanity change?

Many undocumented migrants work in so-called “3D jobs” – dirty, dangerous and demeaning professions. Millions live a life without any prospects. We meet entrepreneurs in Malaysia who are trying to give migrants back their dignity. This is Part 2 of a 3 part series “Founders Valley” With foreign workers contributing more than a third to Malaysia’s gross domestic product, migrants help shape the country’s economy and society. However, undocumented migrants tend to exist outside the formal infrastructure. Most of them work in low-skilled jobs in miserable conditions, often existing on the margins of society. Startup founders are helping improve the lives of migrants in Malaysia.

Children denied education; girls sold into brothels, lonely, neglected elderly people. Poverty defines the lives of millions. Social Entrepreneurs are trying to break the cycle of poverty – by tackling human trafficking, poor education and isolation. When it comes to happiness, people’s dreams and desires are the same all over the world: a steady income, good health and opportunities for personal development. But those who come from poor backgrounds barely have a chance. Inequality begins in childhood. At what point is the course of someone’s life set? How can disadvantaged people guard against false promises? Who can they turn to for help? We meet three founders of social ventures. They want to overcome the barriers in society and are committed to improving equal opportunities and creating more social justice. Poverty means not only a low income, but above all a lack of opportunities to shape one’s own life and advance in society. Many do not succeed in this on their own, but need support. Report by Claudia Laszczak

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