Let’s hear some GOOD NEWS!
Sam Bentley is a popular influencer in the climate action space who has amassed a highly engaged fan base of over 1.6M followers across his channels. He posts fascinating videos that share...
State of Sustainable Fashion 2023
Buy quality pieces that last for frequently worn garments, and only rent clothes worn for special occasions. Repairing itself has become a growing part of the sustainability movement, including the Japanese mending...
Rolling Backwards
Pat Burgener dedicates his new song to all people suffering from wars. What can humanity do to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again?
ClimateAdam Combatting Climate Change
ClimateAdam is an award-winning YouTube channel dedicated to explaining complex ideas around climate change in playful and engaging ways.
5 Best Lessons From Living Without Plastic
For anyone who is beginning their plastic-free journey or who needs some encouragement, these are some takeaways:
Interview with “Assistant” an AI chat
This is a short Interview with "Assistant" a large language model trained by OpenAI. #ChatGPT
Brauchen wir Wirtschaftswachstum?
Wir Lebewesen - Menschen, Tiere, Pflanzen - hören irgendwann auf zu wachsen. Bei der Wirtschaft ist das anders. Sie wächst und wächst und wächst. Doch damit wachsen auch unsere Kleider- und Müllberge....
Trees, Youth Our Future
The Road to Sustainability This episode traces our relationship with Ontario's forests from exploitation to stewardship, culminating in the Crown Forest Sustainability Act of 1994.
Just listen to @ClimateHuman
Peter Kalmus is one of the many scientist and activists who tries to warn us about our in-action. We should start to listen to him and act accordingly!
How Companies Trick You Into Shopping Unsustainably
Big brands have suddenly become environmentally responsible. Or have they?
Manufactured Landscapes
This sustainability documentary shows the photographs and videos of an artist portraying landscapes that have been altered by large-scale human activity.
Radiohead – Fake Plastic Trees
The song portrays a feeling of claustrophobia as there seems to be no escape from the plastic, manufactured, man-made world it describes. However, we must remember there are plenty of lifestyles that...
Climate Change Song (What have we done?)
The song explains how climate change is affecting livelihoods, environment, and the entire ecosystem.
PORGGALÄDI – Asterix – Walliser Mundart rockt
motzu, jeissu, umchaflännu bringt nisch alles nix sit müätig fräch und unbekümmrut wie der ASTERIX!
Die denkwiese Nacht ist zurück!
Am Samstag, 14. Mai 2022 begeistert das Team von denkwiese zum 5. Mal mit ihrem einzigartigen Eventformat im Kursaal Bern.