categorySun-to-Liquid technology?
Synhelion uses solar energy to convert CO2 into carbon-neutral solar fuels. And how does it work?
Unpacking ‘Climate and Society’: What’s New in the 2nd Edition?
This bold and passionate textbook, now in its second edition, provides a crucial introduction to the social dimensions of climate...
PFAS- The Forever Chemical Scandal
PFAS — a class of chemicals linked to an array of health issues — and why their widespread use isn’t...
Why Fruits Have Lost Their Vitamins
ENDEVR explains the world we live in through high-class documentaries, special investigations, explainer videos, and animations.@endevrdocs
Aluna: ein ökologischer Warnruf der Kogi
Die Kogi-Leute plädieren dringend dafür, die Zerstörung ihrer heiligen Stätten und Mangrovensümpfe zu stoppen, die für lokale Ökosysteme von entscheidender...
Wanderlust? Macht Laufen glücklich? | ARTE
Können wir unserem Glück zu Fuß näherkommen? Ronja von Rönne trifft zwei Menschen, die in unterschiedlichem Tempo zu ihrem Laufglück...
Soffie – Für immer Frühling
"Kinder an die Macht Keine hohen Mauern mehr Karma-Konto voll Alle Waffenspeicher leer"
Resilience – What makes us stong?
One billion people worldwide suffer from stress-related illnesses, making mental health resilience a crucial topic.
Celebritrees by Oli Frost
Sometime in the future we can talk to trees Turns out in their last life some were celebrities Now everyone...
Sweating on Ice, The Himalayan Probation (Book)
My book, "Sweating on Ice, the Himalays Probation" will be published soon by Austin Maculey Publishers in England. This is...
Biomimetik und Nanotechnologie
In den letzten Jahren haben sich Technologie- und Wissenschaftsbereiche wie Biomimetik und Nanotechnologie rasant weiterentwickelt und viele Fortschritte erzielt. Biomimetik...
COP28 Day 9 is live: Fossil fuel phase out still in! Follow changes in the COP28 agreement live with the ‘live tracker’.
In an open letter that has been read and commented on by the COP28 President, Sultan Al Jaber, pro-fossil fuel...
Advent Calendar on Sustainable Development 2023
The «online advent calender sustainable development» is a collaborative project, developed in close cooperation with innovative companies, public institutions and...
Der GreenFriday: Eine nachhaltige Alternative zum BlackFriday
Der Black Friday, der alljährlich stattfindende Einkaufswahnsinn, hat verheerende Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt. Durch das exzessive Konsumverhalten während dieses Events...
The Book of Leaves
Made from 12,000 pressed leaves, patience and some thistles, this film is a message from the plant kingdom.