Archive by Category "Solutions"



Das Buch “Realitätsverlust” von Prof. Dr. Joachim Bauer beschäftigt sich mit den Auswirkungen künstlicher Intelligenz und virtueller Welten auf unsere...
an artist s illustration of artificial intelligence ai this image depicts how ai could help understand ecosystems and identify species it was created by nidia dias as part of the visua

Biodiversity—the symphony of survival, Each species a note, each ecosystem a song, May we learn to harmonize with Earth's rhythms,...
abandoned broken car in sandy terrain

The production of steel today still means the release of a lot of climate-damaging CO2. Globally, the steel industry is...

#ScienceComm23 Breakout group questions answered by BingChat (Based on ChatGPT 4.0)

She is a warrior of the earth Fighting for the rights of seeds She challenges the corporate giants Who profit...

Change your environment and you can change your life. The problem though is it’s not always for the better...
crop male crushing plastic water bottle in park

7 Fragen über nachhaltigen Konsum an Christian Mangold -Experte für nachhaltiges Konsumverhalten

The song explains how climate change is affecting livelihoods, environment, and the entire ecosystem.
engineer holding clean energy battery

Finding landmarks in the history of science is not difficult. What is really challenging is identifying the discoveries that will...

Wie verändern wir die Welt zu einem Ort, wo ein nachhaltiger Umgang mit der Natur, soziale Gerechtigkeit, eine hohe Lebensqualität...

From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider...

Mit dem Kauf eines Stücks (m²) der crowdPV wirst du Teil vom Elektrizitätswerk mit Zukunft. Bei deinem lokalen EW kannst...

The Sion is an innovative electric car with integrated solar cells in the body, a range of 250km and a...

Es wird erklärt was "geplante Obsoleszenz" ist und wie dadurch unser enormes (Wirtschafts-)Wachstum erst möglich wurde. Doch unbegrenztes Wachstum ist...

Because of ineffective politicians, young activists are forced fight for their future in any way they can, even if it...
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